Shipping Policy

At SouthTown Boardsports we make every effort to ship your goods the same day they're ordered. If for any reason we can't, we'll send you an email and let you know exactly when they will ship. If you should have any questions regarding your order feel free to contact us via contact form or give us a call at 704-837-0950.

Shipping Methods

We ship every order either USPS or UPS ground. Typically we ship your order within 24 hours of placement (Monday through Friday), barring any issues (ie - address validation/correction, mis-matched billing/shipping, etc.).

Free Shipping Policy

Orders with a cart total over $99 ship for free. This includes any closeout and discount merchandise as well. Offer applies to the continental US only, sorry Alaska and Hawaii. For our brothers and sisters in those states, you will see your shipping options and prices during checkout and BEFORE you actually pay for your order.

Tracking Your Order

After your order has shipped we will provide you with the shipping method and all tracking information necessary to keep up with your package.