As much as we love boarding, surfing, and skiing, there are times when we feel a need switch things up and try something new while on the water. That’s why in this post, we’re talking about ways to take a break from your normal routine and try something that puts a smile on everyone’s face. Here, you’ll find two of the most unique products on the market that are designed to give you an entirely new experience behind the boat. Let’s jump in.
HO Sports RAD Disc
If the learning curve of the wakefoil intimidates you, or you’re just looking for a way for everyone that gets on your boat this summer to enjoy themselves, then this one is for you! The RAD (Round Aquatic Device) is a next-generation inflatable that offers riders the choice to ride laying down, on their knees, standing up, or anything in between. The thick welded “dropstitch” construction makes the RAD much easier to ride standing up than a typical inflatable, but is still soft enough to be ridden like a traditional tube. The soft EVA handle hook allows you to ride hands-free, but also makes picking up the rope and holding it in your hands easy and approachable.
In addition to learning unique tricks on the RAD, it can also be used as a great training tool to give young or inexperienced riders the feeling of riding behind the boat and holding the handle, but without the learning curve of a board or skis. Combine that with the fact that it can be deflated and folded up into a small package, and you’ve got a piece of gear that’s a must-have for your boat this summer. The RAD comes in both 3’ and 5’ sizes, the latter of which is the easiest to learn on. Check out the video below to see just how fun getting RAD can be, and check one out for yourself online or in-store at SouthTown Boardsports.